Wolf Meat is about having fun, both with the performance, with theatrical convention, as well as the audience, and its dark silliness drags you into their world to revel fully in it.
Wolf Meat is about having fun, both with the performance, with theatrical convention, as well as the audience, and its dark silliness drags you into their world to revel fully in it.
From the same group – Wildheart & Lyric – that brought us ‘told by an idiot’ last year this new outing Wolf Meat has a plot very loosely based on the tale of Red Riding Hood but based in a geriatric drug factory in a Croydon Council estate. This glamourized the world of drugs, porn and violence to the extreme, adding in incest, child slavery, torture, stupidity and evil manipulation all wrapped up in a hair net, nice woolly cardigan and smelling faintly or perm lotion.