Harold Thropp is a very tired very angry panto dame. Arriving at a down at heel Northern town – probably Sunderland – he discovers that Widow Twankey has been reduced to a tiny cupboard of a dressing room in what he describes as the “cellar “.
Harold Thropp is a very tired very angry panto dame. Arriving at a down at heel Northern town – probably Sunderland – he discovers that Widow Twankey has been reduced to a tiny cupboard of a dressing room in what he describes as the “cellar “.
To celebrate LGBT HISTORY MONTH for one night only Jason Sutton (aka Miss Jason) stars in Philip Meeks’s one man play: TWINKLE. Following recent performances in Brighton, which delighted audiences and critics alike, TWINKLE now plays for one night only in the Phil Starr Pavilion at the B RIGHT ON LGBT Community Festival.