Brian Butler hears all-round condemnation of new ban on amateur singing
Brian Butler hears all-round condemnation of new ban on amateur singing
Brian Butler talks to 4 Brighton and Hove choir directors about their lockdown activities
Stefan Holmstrom, musical director for both the Resound and Rebelles choirs , challenges his singers and audiences with new, exciting and unusual offerings at every concert and their Christmas offering is no exception.
In this dark, cold twilight Brexit time there’s nothing so heartwarming as the wonderful harmonies of the human singing voice. Hove-based choirs Resound and the Rebelles were at the top of their game last night (December 14) with a wonderful evening of evergreen classics – either winter and Christmas songs but also some classics from other music genres.
True to their stage name, the nine female voices that make up this Brighton singing group, are combined to fight back against the useless, disloyal and – in this show – absent men of the world. The members have gathered up for a committee meeting upstairs at the Rialto Theatre, and in between reading adverts, lonely hearts letters and looking at ridiculously thin models in their women’s magazines, they sing a wide variety of compositions by the likes of Bacharach, Abba and Schubert.
When 17 men from a gay men’s choir get stuck at the airport with constant delays and very annoying tannoy announcements what do they do to pass the time? Well, sing of course.
Resound Male Voices make their Brighton Fringe debut in May with ‘Soundtrek’, a devised show of choral music from all over the world set in….a pub!
Rebelles is a group of 9 singers; Julia, Natalie, Michelle, Marina, Andrea, Meredith, Sibyl, Sally and Cat.
Enjoy an afternoon with Brighton-based musicians Stefan Holmstrom and Tim Nail and take part in the great Swedish tradition which is FIKA! FIKA is a deep rooted tradition from the 19th century when coffee was just as important for the Swedes as tea is in the UK.