
Nigel Farage milkshaken after Chesterfield Pride urges punters to “toss a milkshake” at a cardboard cutout of the Reform UK leader

Graham Robson July 26, 2024

Nigel Farage has reacted after Chesterfield Pride urged punters to “toss a milkshake” at a cardboard cutout of the Reform UK leader during the Pride festival on Sunday, July 21. Attendees of the Pride event were able to win prizes for hitting different coloured circles on the Nigel Farage cutout, including sweets and Stand up […]

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General News

Lib Dems and Greens perform very well in European elections

Besi Besemar May 27, 2019

Liberal Democrats secure best ever European Election result in the party’s history, returning 16 MEPs to the European Parliament and taking second place in vote share (20.3%). 

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General News

Latest polling suggest Greens could send two South East MEPs to Europe

Besi Besemar May 23, 2019

Latest polling from highly respected YouGov shows the Greens in the South East are on track for the election of two Green MEPs in todays European elections.

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Fundraising News

Telegraph journo streaks for THT

Graham Robson January 7, 2016

Following a pre-election 2015 Twitter boast that if UKIP achieved more than 6 per cent of the national vote he would streak down Whitehall naked, Dan Hodges, political commentator for The Telegraph, today kept his word, and donated all funds raised to charity.

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