Bar Broadway will be raising funds for MindOut, the LGBT+ Mental Health service on Friday, December 7 starting at 8.30pm.
Bar Broadway will be raising funds for MindOut, the LGBT+ Mental Health service on Friday, December 7 starting at 8.30pm.
Pride has always been a mix of protest and celebration. It’s a great opportunity to be visible to our fellow Brighton & Hove residents and visitors. Brighton & Hove Pride has become the biggest Pride in the UK.
But, is it too big? MindOut says yes and no. Size matters, and its huge success does reflect something of the very special history and special place of Brighton & Hove’s LGBT+ communities.
Si Campbell leaves MindOut, the mental health service after eight years in post. The team at MindOut will be saying a very fond farewell to Si Campbell, who is leaving the team after eight years.
MindOut the LGBTQ Mental Health Service reveal how they achieve excellent results. At MindOut we try really hard to capture that holy grail of information from people who use our services: what it is about our services that really works so that you feel supported and helped in both the short and long term…in short how do we help you recover?
Helen Jones, CEO of MindOut, met Caroline Dinenage MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Women, Equalities and Early Years at the Department for Education at the House of Commons launch of MindOut’s LGBTQ Mental Health Good Practice guide on March 1.
MindOut the Mental Health Service run by LGBT people for LGBT people gave special awards to entertainer Spice and the Bedford Tavern at their AGM last week.