
Labour councillors win Kemptown and Queen’s Park; Katy Bourne (Conservatives) re-elected as Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner

Graham Robson May 6, 2024

Elections for the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner and by-elections – following resignations of Chandni Mistry and Bharti Gajjar – took place to elect new ward councillors in Kemptown and Queen’s Park on Thursday, 2 May. On Sunday, 5 May, the votes for the local by-elections and Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner election were counted […]

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Candidates confirmed for Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner election and Queen’s Park and Kemptown by-elections

April 8, 2024

Elections for the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner will be taking place on Thursday, 2 May. The candidates standing for election have been confirmed: Jamie Bennett – Liberal Democrats  Katy Bourne – Conservative Party  Jonathan Christopher Kent – Green Party  Paul Adrian Richards – Labour and Co-operative Party Find out more about the 2024 Sussex […]

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Survivors’ Network receives emergency funding boost

July 6, 2020

Survivors’ Network, which supports survivors of sexual violence and abuse in Sussex, is awarded £30,718.77 to deliver vital services for survivors in Sussex,

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Community News

PCC attends Ministerial Roundtable to discuss serious violence and knife crime

Besi Besemar March 25, 2019

Last week the Police Crime Commissioner (PCC) Katy Bourne attended a PCC-led Ministerial Roundtable Discussion on serious violence. Nationally and locally there have been increases in serious violence and organised crime groups with vulnerable young people being targeted and exploited to carry out their criminal biddings, including carrying knives.

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General News

PCC gets unanimous support to further strengthen local policing

Gary Hart February 3, 2019

Katy Bourne, the county’s Police & Crime Commissioner, has welcomed the decision from Sussex Police & Crime scrutiny panel to support her plans to level an increase on the council tax precept to spend more money on policing by an extra £2 per month (for an average band D property).

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In The South

BRIGHTON PRIDE is proud to help make Sussex #NoPlaceForHate

Gary Hart July 29, 2016

Organisers of this year’s Pride festival join forces with Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC), Katy Bourne, to help make Sussex #NoPlaceForHate. In the run-up to this year’s event themed ‘Freedom to Live’, pubs and bars in St James’s Street, which are part of the Pride Village Party, will be using specially designed beermats to help publicise the Self Evident hate crime reporting app.

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Community News

PCC proud to celebrate 25 years of Brighton Pride

Gary Hart July 27, 2015

Katy Bourne the Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner will join police officers on the Brighton Pride Community Parade this, Saturday, August 1. The theme of this years parade is Carnival of Diversity. It will start from the Peace Statue on Hove Lawns at 11am progressing along the seafront past the old West Pier, turning left up West Street, turning right at the clock then left at Old Steine and out on the London Road to Preston Park for the main event.

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In The South

‘Report It!’ empowers the LGBT community to report to police!

Gary Hart June 12, 2015

Report It! was set up by the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender) Community Safety Forum in 2014 with supportive funding from the Police & Crime Commissioner’s Safer in Sussex Community Fund (SiSCF). The aim of the project is to make it easier for members of the LGBT community to report a crime and get the help and support they need.

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