Peer-led HIV charity Lunch Positive is providing extra support for people this winter, helping keep warm and comfortable at home
Peer-led HIV charity Lunch Positive is providing extra support for people this winter, helping keep warm and comfortable at home
Lunch Positive, the HIV lunch club, will be pausing the Friday lunch and supper group this month but will be providing lots of other support…
Lunch Positive celebrates 11th birthday on June 5
Every Friday Lunch Positive the HIV lunch club provides a weekly peer-led community lunch for people with HIV at Dorset Gardens Methodist Church, Brighton.
Gary Pargeter, manager of Lunch Positive, named a Brighton & Hove Food Partnership Food Hero. Brighton & Hove Food Partnership Food Hero awards celebrate people in the city who go above and beyond the call of duty to improve our food system and support others to access healthy, sustainable food.
Lunch Positive volunteers met in February to start planning delivery of the HIV lunch club over the next 18 months. Starting with a group reflection of 2017 to learn from and build upon experiences, the team expressed deep appreciation to all their supporters and members, before moving on to key priorities for the year ahead.
I wanted to write and thank Billie Lewis and the volunteers from the Brighton & Hove LGBT Community Safety Forum, for everything they did to help us with the Soul Safari days at the B Right On LGBT festival. They did an absolutely amazing job with everything, and the space they created for us to work was great. It gave so many groups, including The Village MCC, the opportunity to feel that there was a bridge between the LGBT+ community and ourselves.
M.A.C. Cosmetics have helped Lunch Positive, the HIV lunch club throughout the last year by providing a team of employees who volunteer at the Friday lunch club and help with fundraising. They attended their last session at Lunch Positive on Friday, October 31 where a celebration meal was prepared by the team, and shared with Lunch Positive members and volunteers.
Lunch Positive is open throughout December and looking forward to a busy month. The next new monthly Sunday Lunch club is on Sunday December 7. The weekly Friday lunch club will be open as usual on Friday December 5 and 12. The annual Christmas Lunch that brings together members and volunteers for a traditional Christmas meal together will be on Friday, December 19.