
REVIEW: Basement: 4 Guys Chillin’

May 25, 2015

This is a verbatim drama based on interviews with a number of men who go to ‘chill out’ parties or, to be perhaps slightly more accurate, ‘drug-fuelled orgies’. As it starts off it seems as if it’s going to be a basically sensational tale of hedonistic gay men and the hijinks they get up to. There’s a comic discussion of the North/South divide (Northern orgies are friendlier than the ones in London), stories of days lost to ‘partying’ and the character who, getting a measly three condoms from his local GUM clinic, tells the nurse ‘that’s not going to last me the tube ride home, love’.

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REVIEW: The Late Show: Basement

May 3, 2015

The Late Show Basement The Otherplace FINISHING off the night at The Late Show in the basement was soft, and relaxing, with an apparently French Chanteuse and her smoky throaty blues heavy songs with just the right streak of anger and hope mixed in. This was a late night laid back show, with no pretension […]

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