Alistair Hill, Director of Public Health at Brighton & Hove City Council, has released a statement urging young people to continue to help prevent the spread of Covid-19.
‘We have recently seen a rise in weekly Covid-19 cases nationally. In Brighton & Hove, we have seen a small rise although we are still below the national average for the rate of transmission.
‘We want to make sure we do all we can to avoid another high rise in local cases.
‘I am asking everyone to continue to take simple actions to help keep those who are more at risk from Covid-19 as safe as possible. We know that the elderly are more likely to experience Covid-19 in a severe and potentially life threatening way.
‘In contrast, we know young adults are much more likely to experience mild symptoms of Covid-19 or show no symptoms at all while positive with the virus.
‘After months of lockdown it is understandable that young adults are keen to go out and about while the guidelines are relaxed. While young adults are taking part active roles in our community, such as working, volunteering and socialising, they are much more likely to be carrying the virus without realising it.
‘Recent reports also show some of the new cases are linked to holidays abroad, especially groups of returning travellers in their 20s.
‘We need everyone to:
– Maintain social distancing guidelines
– Maintain good hygiene with frequent handwashing
– Wear face coverings where required and/or appropriate unless exempt to do so
‘If returning from holiday abroad from an affected country to follow government guidance to:
– Self-isolate for 14 days on return
– Don’t have any visitors – even family or friends
– Get tested if you develop symptoms
‘You only need to get tested if you have symptoms. The most important action for people to take is to self-isolate and not go out if you have been to affected area or have symptoms. We need everyone to follow the guidance to protect others.
‘Brighton & Hove City Council with Public Health England and the NHS continue to monitor the situation locally. I thank you on behalf of all my colleagues for helping to prevent spreading Covid-19.’