Manchester Pride Festival 2020, a celebration of LGBTQ+ life, will be made up of the Manchester Pride Parade, Manchester Pride Live, the Candlelit Vigil, the Superbia Weekend, the Gay Village Party, and Youth Pride MCR.
Mark Fletcher, Chief Executive of Manchester Pride, said; “I am honoured for us to be partnering with an organisation that is so committed to placing diversity and equality at the heart of everything it does.
“When brands like Virgin Atlantic and Virgin Holidays are able to carry a message across the globe in support of LGBTQ+ people it is extremely powerful and I am confident that we will work together over the next three years to drive real change both here in Manchester and around the world.”
Juha Jarvinen, Chief Commercial Officer at Virgin Atlantic, commented; “Virgin Atlantic and Virgin Holidays have long been staunch supporters of LGBTQ+ rights and we strongly believe in making our business as inclusive and welcoming as possible.
“We are absolutely thrilled to be the headline sponsor of the Manchester Pride Festival, at our home in the North. I am really looking forward to working with Mark and his team to use the influential power of our brand, our international footprint and our incredible people to fight for change across the world.”
To find out more about Manchester Pride follow them on Twitter @manchesterpride or visit their website.