The Undercliff Walk behind Brighton Marina will re-open this week following monitoring of the cliffs over the winter months.
This section of the popular coastal walk has been closed since last December following six months of extremely wet weather which led to concerns about the stability of the cliffs.
Rainfall in 2012 was similar in volume to the weather Brighton & Hove experienced in the run up to a major series of cliff falls in the winter of 2000/2001. There have been no major cliff falls since that time and the council has carried out stabilisation work.
Since December a large amount of chalk and flint rubble has fallen onto the promenade over the winter which is being cleared prior to the reopening.
During the closure, Brighton & Hove City Council has taken the opportunity of clearing the netting of accumulations of rubble using abseilers to loosen the nets and shake out the chalk and flint. The council has also relaid a section of the promenade behind the Marina boatyard to improve the drainage.
Councillor Pete West, chair of the city’s environment, transport and sustainability committee, said:
“We’re pleased to be able to re-open the Undercliff Walk along this stretch so that residents and visitors alike can enjoy our unique coastal path this summer.
“We have been working with geologists to help conserve the cliffs behind the Marina which form an important part of the city’s heritage. Visitors exploring the Undercliff Walk can view an information board showing how the cliffs here represent one of the best and most accessible records of ‘Ice Age’ climate change in north western Europe.”