Subline raise £503.55 for Brighton Bear’s fundraiser for the Rainbow Fund at their Halloween Party.
Pictured is Steven Lee the manager at Subline who handed a cheque for £503.55 over to Brighton Bears.
This amount will be added to Brighton Bear’s grand total of fundraising for the Rainbow Fund which will culminate in the Brighton Bear Weekend from June 15-18, 2017.
Graham Munday from Brighton Bear’s, said: “All of our committee are grateful for the continued generosity of everyone of the Subline team and its customers who punch well above their weight when it comes to charitableness with support and money. The calendar is a great idea, well produced, and raising money for two great causes. On behalf of Steve at Subline, I would like to thank all the models and Manel Ortega for the photography. The bears in June are particularly nice and I hope to find a calendar in my wader come this Christmas”