To mark International Non-Binary People’s Day (July 14), the Trevor Project released a new report that found just over a quarter of LGBTQ+ youth living in America identify as non-binary. Using data from the 2021 National Survey on LGBTQ+ Youth Mental Health, the organisation found that out of the 34,700 participants, 26% identified as non-binary, with over half of these people also identifying as transgender.
Over a quarter of the non-binary respondents also said they identify with terms such as gender non-conforming (27%), genderfluid (24%), genderqueer (23%), and agender (15%). Jonah DeChants, a research scientist at the Trevor Project, said the findings demonstrate that “more and more young people are taking control over their gender identity, and finding language and terms that resonate with them…And expressing that in the world in [ways] that we haven’t necessarily seen in the past.”
DeChants also said the report indicates a need to “reevaluate and start to think about [trans and non-binary people] as communities that overlap heavily but are not synonymous with one another.” Many LGBTQ+ advocacy groups are celebrating Non-Binary People’s Day, with Stonewall UK sharing a tweet of solidarity with the community: “Happy #NonBinaryDay! Today and every day we celebrate our non-binary siblings and supporters.”