The aim of this year’s campaign is to promote LGBT rights and gender equality but to also change the way men are viewed by society.
‘We started Warwick Rowers to challenge homophobia. But research at Sport Allies, the registered charity that now receives all WR profits, shows that homophobia is part of a bigger problem; straight men still get a different deal to everybody else,’ said project founder and creative director, Angus Malcolm.
“We need to keep challenging homophobia and promoting LGBT rights, but we also need to address gender inequality and encourage better male mental health.
Warwick Rowers aim to show what healthy masculinity looks like: men who are happy to be vulnerable, happy to be naked for you, regardless of your sexuality or gender, and happy to get close to each other.”
Despite all the great work Worldwide Roar is doing, there’s still a lot to be done regarding homophobic and toxic masculinity that occurs every day, especially within the world of sports. One of the key things that Malcolm highlights is men becoming more “conscious of the rules that operate, particularly when men are together in groups, and being prepared to challenge those rules, even when it’s not comfortable to do so.
By asking an apparently simple question about how we can look at men, we aim to show how much the heterosexual male gaze continues to dominate our culture,” notes Malcolm. “We want to draw attention to the privilege that many men, particularly heterosexual men, still take for granted. We aim to highlight the inequality and injustice on which that privilege is based, and how it affects every one of us, men included.”
For more info and to buy the new calendar for £14.99, visit their new website here: