A Brighton restaurant has pleaded guilty to seven charges, including failing to ensure adequate procedures are in place to control pests.
Cloudless Limited, which runs the Seagull Restaurant, 11-14 Madeira Drive, Brighton BN1 1EY were fined a total of £3,515 including costs.
On March 13, 2014 an officer carrying out a routine food hygiene inspection of the Seagull Restaurant discovered an active mouse throughout the premises. Mouse droppings were seen at fifteen different locations, including on the floor under the fryer floating in a pool of grease. The owner closed the premises to clean up and carry out treatment and proofing works.
A council spokesperson said: “This case showed serious breaches of food hygiene standards. The fines handed out show that the courts will back the City Council in action to protect residents and visitors.
“People should have confidence that cases such as these are rare. Standards of food hygiene in the city are going up, with more food businesses than ever achieving a top rating of 5 and nearly 93% having a rating of 3 or more, which is above the national average.”