
REVIEW: Musical Dance drama Wait For Me

Brian Butler October 10, 2020

Soaring piano music opens this drama of heaven and earth and one couple’s personal Hell written by Sam Cassidy .

Ainsley Ricketts, a finalist in the tv series The Greatest Dancer has directed and choreographed an epic yet intimate piece with dance and songs which brings two angels to earth with a quest to unite two strangers – Jack and Emma and nurture their love for each other.

Filmed over 3 days  in lockdown with fantastically atmospheric cinematography by Nick Ross, it combines long shots to capture the soaring leaps and twists of the dancers with close-ups bringing every detail of their changing emotions.


It’s a often told story of boy meets girl; a short romance; a marriage; and in no time a baby on the way. The mood of the piece is always led by the piano backing – a mixture of Rachmaninov and Gershwin and soon the chords become dark and foreboding.

The baby is lost , its life seemingly snatched away by a darker version of Ainsley’s androgynous angel. The piece now moves into a dark, sad and moving section , where the couple struggle with their loss and doubt their relationship can continue.

The songs – and for me there arbiter enough – mirror the emotion of the solo dancers – the lost child was the mother’s “ rhythm, the life I’ll never know” she sings.

Then suddenly the story shifts to their old age and inevitably as first Emma then Jack dies and are reunited we guess with their lost offspring.

Ainsley is ably accompanied by dancers Chrissy Brooke, Clarice  Lanta Lilly and Jaih Betote. They are all stunning performers. The singers Eloise Davies and Bluey Robinson add depth and passion to the commitment of the dancers.

It’s a stunning piece and you can pay to view it on INPLAYER via Wait For Me’s Facebook page.

Five star musical drama the will surely find a live theatre audience when Covid is dead and gone