Visitors to Queens Park are being asked to decide how the popular park should be improved.
BRIGHTON & HOVE City Council and the Friends of Queens Park are asking park goers to choose between two very different proposals to enhance the park.
One plan could see the pond improved with more planting and a ‘dipping platform’ created to enable visitors to interact with nature.
The second proposal would see the Quiet Garden improved with new paths opened up to reveal views to the pond, cascade and clock tower.
Both projects were identified in the Queens Park Conservation Plan and the successful project will be funded with section 106 developer contributions.
Display boards summarising the Conservation Plan are currently on display in the park and there will be an opportunity to speak to Council officers in the park on Saturday July 21st from 1pm to 4pm.
Cllr Gill Mitchell, chair of the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee said: “It’s really important that local people are involved in helping making decisions over how money is spent in their local parks, and I hope park users will take the opportunity to vote.
“We will continue to seek opportunities to attract more funding for our beautiful and much loved city parks.”
To view the council consultation, click here:
The consultation closes on August 6.
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