Last week the Conservative Party won a majority of seats in parliament but was elected by a minority of voters. Our “winner takes all” voting system preserves an artificial two-party state, despite politics becoming more diverse than ever. The Green Party wants to move beyond the perverse system of “first past the post” that is hardwired to suit the establishment and leaves so many feeling powerless about their vote.
Westminster is elected using a system called ‘first past the post’. With this system, the link between how popular a party is at the polling booth and how many seats they get in the House of Commons is often weak and unpredictable.
At a Brighton and Hove City Council meeting last night, Councillor Mac Cafferty lead the green group in leading calls from all 19 green councillors to ask the City Council to campaign for the introduction of fair votes in council elections.
I’m proud to represent a party which stands for making our electoral system fairer. Our current voting system is hard-wired to support establishment parties, forcing voters to make the choice between the least-worst option. Despite the fact that two in three people support a fairer voting system. Tonight we are making a stand – it’s time to make votes matter.”
The Greens are supported a national petition from The Electoral Reform Society you can learn more about the petition here:
The Electoral Reform Society is an independent campaigning organisation working to champion the rights of voters and build a better democracy in Great Britain and Northern Ireland.