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PREVIEW: ‘Towards Marg’ South Asian LGBT identities at Alchemy 2016

Towards Marg, an exhibition exploring South Asian LGBT identities in political and cultural scenes will be presented during Alchemy 2016, at the Southbank Centre in London.

Towards Marg features the photographic and image work of four artists: Charan Singh, Raisa Kabir, Sushil Mangaonkar and Balbir Krishan.

Marg is Sanskrit for pathway, and the exhibition looks at the various journeys South Asian LGBT people take through life.

The mini-series exhibition will take place from Wednesday, May 18 to Monday, May 30 2016. It will be open for Alchemy 2016 visitors from 10am – 11pm on Level 2 Foyer (Green Side) at Royal Festival Hall at the Southbank Centre.

Niranjan Kamatkar

Wise Thoughts artistic director Niranjan Kamatkar, who is presenting the exhibition said: “I am excited to highlight the work as part of Alchemy 2016 at the Southbank Centre, which also marks IDAHOT (International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia) on May 17. It is about time that we encourage greater visibility and platform the artistic excellence within South Asian LGBT identities.”

Alchemy, Southbank Centre’s annual festival celebrates the cultural connections between South Asia and the UK. Now in its seventh year, it is the largest South Asian festival outside of the subcontinent.

Wise Thoughts is a London-based arts charity dedicated to creating and showcasing LGBTQI arts and culture. Established in 1999, they work on projects involving LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) and BAME (Black, Asian Minority Ethnic) artists, filmmakers and practitioners. They also organise multidisciplinary art events such as GFEST- Gaywise FESTival, London’s annual LGBT cross-art festival, held in November.

Event: Towards Marg

Where: Level 2 Foyer (Green Side) at Royal Festival Hall at the Southbank Centre

When: Wednesday, May 18 – Monday, May 30.

Time: 10am-11pm

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