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Tories urge residents to get to know their neighbours

Conservative Councillors introduce Know Your Neighbour Project to Patcham and Hollingbury.

Cllr Lee Wares, Cllr Carol Theobald and Cllr Geoffrey Theobald

Ward Councillors Lee Wares and Carol and Geoffrey Theobald have introduced a project to their Ward to help residents get to know their neighbours and particularly those who could be vulnerable, isolated or might need a helping hand every now and then, but especially at Christmas.

Cllr Wares said: “We were made aware of the project run by ‘Know my Neighbour’ ( and the Christmas Card they have produced sponsored by East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service. It is a simple concept of somebody sending one of the free Christmas cards to a neighbour telling them who they are and how to contact them”, he added “we all probably know somebody who would benefit from having a friendly neighbour nearby that they could call on when they need a little help. At winter this could be just checking in on them or picking up the shopping or medicine”. “It is up to the person receiving the card to decide if they wish to accept any help”.

Cllr Carol Theobald, who sits on the East Sussex Fire Authority said: “this is a great way to be able to try to tackle social isolation and I’m delighted with the support given by the Fire & Rescue Service”.

Cllr Geoffrey Theobald, added: “we all lead busy lives and in many instances letting our neighbours know we are there to help them isn’t through a lack of desire but sometimes knowing the best way to offer help. The Christmas cards provide a way”. 

Cards have been left at Treats café in Ladies Mile Road, CJ Deli in Carden Avenue and Old Boat Corner Community Centre in Carden Hill.

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