Kevin ‘Rocky’ Hills, a local man served in Sussex as a Special Police Constable during the nineties. Kevin aged 60, died in August of pancreatic cancer following a short but aggressive illness.
In the years before he was a Special Constable, Kevin ran a community project based out of Scene 22 (later called Speak Out) for members of the LGBT+ communities to confidentially discuss their concerns when reporting crime, and help build trust and confidence in the police.
Speak Out was the first project of its kind in Sussex, and paved the way in raising awareness of the support available to LGBT+ victims of crime.
Kevin was also instrumental in challenging issues of homophobia within Sussex Police; the need to challenge discriminatory behaviour and change police culture.
As a result of this work, Kevin joined Sussex Police as a Special Constable in 1996 – a role he held with great pride.
The Sussex Police Diversity Team have created a Crowdfunding page to help Kevin’s sisters raise £3,500 to support the cost of his funeral arrangements.
Kevin’s funeral was at Downs Crematorium, Bear Rd, Brighton BN2 3PL on Friday, September 15 at 2pm.
To make a donation towards the funeral costs, click here: