Have you experienced homophobia, transphobia, biphobia or HIV Stigma – this is your community, your safety, get involved!
In response to questions relating to safety at Pride this year and concerns about LGBT community safety generally post the massacre of 49 people at the Gay nightclub in Orlando, the LGBT Safety Forum has invited the Head of Operations from Brighton Pride to their next public meeting to answer any questions or concerns you have and Chief Superintendent, Nev Kemp from Sussex Police will also be in attendance and will take questions.
The LGBT Safety Forum hold four public meetings a year to present their work plan to the community and to give members of the public the opportunity to hold service providers in the city to account.
Despite numerous requests it has not been possible for the Brighton Council Housing Department to provide a spokesperson at the meeting to explain the poor treatment given to LGBT people when they present as homeless at the City council.
The next public meeting organised by the Brighton and Hove LGBT Community Safety Forum is on Wednesday, July 13 at the Queens Hotel in Brighton starting at 7pm.
Event: Brighton & Hove LGBT Community Safety Forum Public Meeting
Where: The Queens Hotel, Brighton, BN1 1NS
When: Wednesday, July 13
Time: 7pm – 9pm
For more information about the work of the LGBT Safety Forum, CLICK HERE:
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