The report discusses a variety of local issues pertinent to LGBT equality, including safety and hate crime, mental health, legislation, austerity and the cuts, and experiences using public services such as local councils, the police and the NHS. The launch event, hosted by the University of Brighton in Hastings, was attended by over 30 local LGBT people, community representatives, and representatives from local public sector groups and organisations.
Through the questionnaire, local LGBT people shared their views and experiences, and worked with service providers and University of Brighton researchers to gather and present evidence that would promote positive changes for LGBT people. This means the research was not just about LGBT people – it has been run by LGBT people.
The LGBT Equalities Forum hopes that this report will raise the profile of LGBT equality issues in the local area, and that it can be used to improve public services across East Sussex.
Julie Eason, chair of local LGBT group the Hastings & Rother Rainbow Alliance spoke at the event:
He said:
“There has been a shortage of local research to understand the needs and concerns of the LGBT community, and this work adds significantly to the research base. HRRA were pleased to hear that 4 out of 5 LGBT people in our area are aware of us, and are looking to expand our offer to younger LGBT people, as identified as a need in this research. We look forward to continuing to work the University of Brighton, and others, to ensure that the needs of the local LGBT community are understood and accounted for by policy makers and service providers.”
A video recorded presentation from the launch event is planned in April to ensure that everyone can see the key findings.
To find out more or to get a copy of the report, contact the LGBT Equalities in Hastings, Rother & East Sussex project through Nick McGlynn
Or telephone: tel. 01273 642203.