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Mayor to hold charity event at Pavilion Gardens Cafe

The Mayor and Mayoress of Brighton & Hove, Cllr Brian Fitch & Mrs Norah Fitch are holding a fundraising event for the Mayor’s charities on Wednesday, August 20.

Pavilion Gardens Tea will be staged in a private enclosure at the Pavilion Gardens Cafe with tickets will costing just £6 for tea, cakes and live entertainment.

The Mayor will be raising money for his three charities this year, The Martlets, The Argus Appeal and Brighton Housing Trust.

To purchase a ticket make cheque payable to ‘The Mayor’s Charities’ and send to: Town Hall, Bartholomew Square, Brighton BN1 1JA

Or to pay online by debit/credit card via the Council website, CLICK HERE:

Due to the popularity of these events no reservation will be confirmed without payment.

The Charities are not able to offer refunds but places/tickets are transferable to other Mayoral events.

For more information telephone 01273 291225 or 01273 964200

Or email: or


What: Pavilion Gardens Tea

Where: At the Pavilion Gardens Café, Royal Pavilion Gardens, Brighton BN1 1UG

When: Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Time: 3:00 – 5:00 pm

Cost: Tickets are only £6 per person



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