LGBT History Month got off to an impressive start yesterday (Friday 1) at Brighton Town Hall with an event organised by radical poet and campaigner Vince Laws who presented his happening I am a poem first premiered in Folkestone during LGBT History month last year.
Vince read some of his poems including I am a poem.
The Major of Brighton & Hove, Cllr Bill Randall officially opened LGBT History Month and spoke about the work of the council’s LGBT workers forum. Poet, Mandy Webb then asked the Mayor of Brighton to bless the ‘Pink Triangle’ a symbol of the oppression and murder of LGBT people by the Nazis during the second world war.
Organisers of the Hankie Quilt hung the memorial to those who have died from HIV from the first floor gallery and the Quilt will remain on view at the Town Hall from Monday-Friday, 10am-5pm for the whole of February.
The Hullabaloo Quire sang some numbers including George Michael’s Freedom from the first floor gallery at the Town Hall. They also gave the first performance of I am a poem a new song composer especially for the event, with words by Vince Laws.
The Town Hall proved a wonderful venue for this event, especially the singing by the choir.
The acoustics were perfect. Maybe the city has found a new 100 seat venue for the performance of live classical chamber music.
Bear Patrol’s Adopt a Pansy stall proved very popular. Visitors could adopt a named Pansy plant in a red plant pot for £5. All proceed going to the Sussex Beacon.
Lunch Positive sold fairy cakes for £1 each. With all proceeds going to their fundraising fund programme.
Barefoot Wine who kindly helped sponsor the event provided those attending with a glass of wine.
The event was staged with the help of an Arts Council grant.
For full details of events during LGBT History Month and the B.Right.On Festival view pages 6-11 of February Gscene:
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