Teams of lifeguards have taken up their posts on Brighton & Hove’s beaches this bank holiday weekend as the city prepares for the summer season.
30 new recruits have joined the council’s seafront team, to ensure millions of visitors enjoy a safe and happy time on the beach this summer.
The new lifeguards have spent this week preparing for the summer season, when they will patrol the city’s beaches along from the Marina to Hove Lagoon.
The team, of male and female lifeguards, have all successfully completed a beach lifeguard qualification and a week-long induction course acquiring a wide range of skills from accessing sea and weather conditions and dealing with beach hazards, to carrying out first aid and water rescues.
During an average year Brighton & Hove’s lifeguards carry out more than 100 water rescues, and save many lives.
They administer first aid to around 250 beach goers, give safety advice to around 10,000 people and reunite hundreds of lost children with their families.
The lifeguards, easy to spot in their red and yellow uniforms, will be on duty each day from 9.30am to 7pm, supporting the council’s year round seafront team.
Councillor Alan Robins, deputy chair of the Economic Development and Culture Committee, said: “Once again we are delighted to have recruited a dedicated team of lifeguards to patrol our popular beaches.
“The new lifeguards are committed to supporting our regular seafront officers in ensuring the millions of visitors from all over the world who flock to our beaches every summer return home safe and happy.”