
LGBT Public Services group

Besi Besemar January 23, 2013

LGBT Sussex Public Services, a group formed in April 2012 to ensure that the public sector can continue to proactively consider the needs of their LGBT staff and service users by working much more closely together. has set out its plans for the future.

Although still relatively new, their work provides public authorities with a repository of shared policies, advice and guidance, networking opportunities with other public bodies to share learning and good practice around making a difference for LGBT staff and service users. Importantly, against the economic back drop, it will mean that essential proactive work supporting LGBT staff and service users are at the least maintained, and at best improved by all public bodies.

The group is growing in its membership and meets quarterly. A forward work plan is being worked on.

Early wins include:

• Sharing of policies and key documents,
• Providing support for the development of meaningful and evidenced equality outcomes
• Raising awareness through social media (join us on Facebook – LGBT Sussex),
• Joining up to support Brighton Pride, and
• Planning is underway for an event targeting ‘straight allies’ (Spring 2013).

There is much more to do and work is underway to develop an action plan to ensure that all work is focussed and delivered, and to ultimately help public services across Brighton & Hove and Sussex to continue leading the way in regard to championing and supporting its employees and those who use our services.

The public authorities currently engaged with the group include:

• East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service

• Sussex Police, Brighton & Hove City Council

• Sussex Community NHS Trust

• South East Coast Ambulance Service

• Brighton General Hospital

• West Sussex County Council

• Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals

• East Sussex County Council, Horsham District Council

If anyone would like more information then they can contact Gary Ferrand, the Group Chair.


Or through Facebook.