Brighton is a city long-famed for its vibrant and diverse communities, with Kemptown the jewel in city’s colourful cultural crown.
Diversity is something that can often be under-appreciated, when it instead deserves to be celebrated. With record crowds flocking to the 25th Anniversary of Pride in Brighton this year we are launching a new photography project which aims to do just that.
Our new project will combine street photography with human geography, using quotes and snapshots to create a catalogue of stories that showcase the vibrance of everyday life for those living, shopping and socialising in Kemptown. The collection of stories, past and present, will celebrate the people who come together to make Brighton such a brilliant city.
The history of LGBTQ+ culture in Brighton & Hove is both rich and extensive – lets keep it alive, and celebrate the differences which make each and every one of us unique. By sharing images and stories, the project aims to celebrate the diversity and uniqueness of Kemptown village and it’s inhabitants.
Would you like to be featured as a part of this project?
If you have a story to tell, big, small or tall, then get in touch by sending us an email – please include some details about you, your story and ideally a photo.
You can also follow the project on Instagram: @gscenemag