Mental Health

Mental Health Matters: What do you think of the care you receive when using community mental health services in Sussex?

Graham Robson August 16, 2024

Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust is carrying out a survey to find out what service users think about the care they received when using community mental health services in Sussex. The Trust plans to use this feedback to improve experiences, and highlight areas where they perform well and to identify the areas where they need to improve.

Service users who have recently used community mental health services may receive a questionnaire by post from 19 August, and text message reminders, asking about their experiences. They will be asked about various aspects of their care, including, the quality of care and treatment, communication with staff, and information about their care.

Results from the survey will be used to “improve the quality of care and people’s mental health care experiences”.

Dr Jane Padmore, Chief Executive at Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Receiving feedback from patients and taking account of their views is really important to us. It helps us understand and learn from people’s experience of the care we provide, it highlights what we are doing well, and where we need to make changes to ensure quality of care.

“I would like to encourage anyone who is asked to take part in the Community Mental Health Survey to be open and honest and tell us about their experience of using our services. This will help us to promote examples of good practice, keep doing the things that we’re doing well, and make improvements where we need to.”

People’s responses are confidential and the results of the survey will be presented in a form that does not allow any individual’s answers to be identified. The results will be published in spring 2025.