General News

Have your say on Hove Park parking area

Besi Besemar April 21, 2018

Residents and businesses in the streets around Hove Park can now comment on proposals to create a new residents’ parking zone for the area.

THE proposed light touch zone would operate for two restricted hours Monday to Friday, from 9-10am and 1-2pm.

The council has sent leaflets to more than 1,000 households following initial consultation last year. Of those who responded 62% said they wanted a scheme in the proposed area, with 76% expressing a preference for light touch and 70% saying they would prefer it to operate on weekdays only.


Cllr Gill Mitchell
Cllr Gill Mitchell

Councillor Gill Mitchell, chair of the city’s environment, transport and sustainability committee, said: “The council has been receiving numerous complaints from residents in the Hove Park area about parking problems and we hope as many as possible will take part in the consultation.

“The proposed scheme aims to improve safety, traffic flow and access as well as making it easier for residents to park. If the scheme goes ahead we will also look at measures to alleviate any displacement parking in surrounding areas.”

Residents have until May 28 to express their views.

To take part in the consultation, click here: