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Have your say on coastal erosion

Brighton & Hove City Council are inviting local residents, businesses and other interested parties to give their views on options for managing the coastline between Brighton Marina and the River Adur for the next 100 years.

The strategy, which hopes to manage coastal erosion and sea flooding, has been put together by the council along with help from consulting engineers Halcrow Group Ltd, and in partnership with Adur and Worthing Councils and the Environment Agency, who are funding the strategy.

Cllr Pete West

Cllr Pete West, Chair of Brighton & Hove City Council’s Environment and Sustainability Committee, said:

“With changing climatic conditions, rising sea levels and increasing popularity both for recreation and commerce it is essential that our coastline is properly managed not just as a defence against the sea but also to maintain and enhance its environmental and economic value.

“We hope people will take this opportunity to give us their views on this piece of coastline between the Marina and River Adur and help shape a shortlist of options for further consideration.”

The consultation is open until June 23, after which a short list of preferred options will be developed with a formal period of consultation later this year. The final strategy will be completed next year.

To have your say, CLICK HERE:   


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