Following a campaign by the Argus to have more sensible and fair parking charges in the city, a report going to Brighton & Hove Transport Committee on January 15 recommends parking charges are frozen in 2013-14 while charges in tourist areas such as the New Steine and Brighton seafront will be reduced. Hopes for the reintroduction of 30 minute tariffs which were removed in 2012 were dashed due to “budgetary pressures”.
Returning tariffs to the same levels as 2011 was also considered and rejected. The reason given was this option would not support the council’s Transport Strategy objectives.
Simon Kirby, MP for Brighton Kemptown and Peacehaven, welcomed the news that the campaign to force the Council to reduce parking charges in the City has been successful.
Simon, who set up the “Brightonparkingmadness” website has been at the forefront of the campaign calling for Brighton and Hove City Council to rethink the disastrous policy of massively increasing parking charges across the City.
Simon said:
“It was always clear to everyone but the Council that the decision to hike up parking prices was awful. It is vital that we have fair and appropriate parking charges for visitors and residents alike, and while I would have liked the Council to reduce parking charges even further, this is welcome progress.”
“Nowhere was the folly of the Council’s decision more visible than the seafront, with many businesses in my constituency contacting me to say what a devastating effect the increases were having on their businesses. I raised this matter countless times with Council officials and I am therefore delighted that the Council has listened.”
“Credit must also go to the Argus for its “Park the Charges” campaign and to all those local businesspeople and residents who campaigned long and hard against these charges. Today is a victory for everyone who wants to see Brighton and Hove thrive.”