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Government supports Hove MP on flying the Union flag

Mike Weatherley, MP
Mike Weatherley, MP

Mike Weatherley, the Conservative MP for Hove and Portslade, has received backing from the Government after he called for publicly-funded buildings to fly the Union Flag.

Mike wrote to his colleague the Rt Hon Eric Pickles MP, Secretary of State for Communities & Local Government, to ask that plans are drawn up to have the Union Flag flown on public buildings right across the country.

In his letter, Mike wrote:

“Britain should seize upon the national mood that we proudly saw earlier this year with both Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee and the Olympic Games. I believe that schools, in particular, that receive public funding should be compelled to prominently display the Union Flag, with the Government introducing legislation if necessary.”

Commenting, he said:

“Receiving the Government’s support is fantastic news for flag-lovers across the country. This idea is cheap, straightforward and will boost national pride, so it is great that Eric Pickles is on board. I look forward to seeing more Union Flags around Brighton & Hove and in other towns and cities in Britain.”

In his response, Eric Pickles, wrote:

“The Union Flag is a powerful symbol of our national identity and I believe we should be proud to display it in public. I am therefore in favour of public and civic buildings displaying it and will encourage local government, including fire and rescue authorities, to do so.”

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