Adrian J Andrews, the official Ghost Walker of Kemptown, is looking for your ghostly experiences to help him write the most comprehensive guide to the hauntings of Brighton’s East End that has ever been attempted.
Adrian says that existing literature and entries on the internet offer only limited help when it comes to researching the subject, so if you have either worked or lived with a ghost, poltergeist or anything else that goes bump in the night or are aware that something unearthly wanders the immediate vicinity, Adrian needs to hear from you.
He is especially interested if your own experiences can be backed-up by someone else who has had a similar encounter of the spooky kind.
Adrian said:
“Brighton is the second most haunted city in the country; second only to York. Wherever you stand in Kemptown you are never further than 100 yards from the nearest paranormal activity.”
You must be prepared to be interviewed for the book and for a brief investigation of the premises or area to take place. Your actual address will not appear in print.
It is only the Kemptown area (both old and new) that Adrian is currently researching, so if your experiences are related to this part of Brighton, email:
Or send it to:
Kreepy Kemptown Ghost Walks, c/o The Queens Arms, 7-8 George Street, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 1RH.
Don’t forget to include your name and contact details (which will be kept completely confidential).
You can also meet Adrian personally and join his tour of Kemptown every Saturday at 7.30pm from The Queens Arms. The box office opens at 7pm.