So-called ‘conversion therapy’ is the most widely used term to describe practices attempting to change, suppress, or divert one’s sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. The Lesbian and Gay Federation in Germany (LSVD), a prominent non-governmental LGBT+ organisation, in a statement posted on their website, welcomes the effort to ban these harmful practices, but expresses concern that only minors are covered by the important protections of the new bill.
In August 2019, OutRight Action International, which works at a global, regional and national level to eradicate the persecution, inequality and violence LGBTQ+ people face around the world released a pioneering report – Harmful Treatment. The Global Reach of So-Called Conversion Therapy – showing that, while such practices vary across religious, cultural, or traditional contexts and range in their forms of psychological and physical violence, they are prevalent in countries across the globe. They have been condemned by most major psychological, psychiatric, and medical associations, including the World Psychiatric Association, and recognised to not only never achieve their intended outcome, but to instead cause deep, lasting trauma.
‘The German Bundestag took an incredibly important step – by banning ‘conversion therapy’ it sent a powerful message that LGBTQ+ people are not in need of change or cure. At the same time, demand for ‘conversion therapy’ will only decrease if acceptance of LGBTQ+ people grows. I urge authorities in Germany to bolster the legal ban on ‘conversion therapy’ with measures designed to promote understanding and inclusion of LGBTQ+ people, thus tackling the root causes of these harmful, inhuman practices.’
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