
Nigel Farage milkshaken after Chesterfield Pride urges punters to “toss a milkshake” at a cardboard cutout of the Reform UK leader

Graham Robson July 26, 2024

Nigel Farage has reacted after Chesterfield Pride urged punters to “toss a milkshake” at a cardboard cutout of the Reform UK leader during the Pride festival on Sunday, July 21.

Attendees of the Pride event were able to win prizes for hitting different coloured circles on the Nigel Farage cutout, including sweets and Stand up to Racism badges.

Nigel Farage, who was doused in milkshake while campaigning in Clacton in June, said that while he is “all for mockery and a good laugh”, he suggests that “this goes too far”.

Organisers Stand up to Racism insist that the game was merely “light-hearted” and “harmless fun”.

A Stand up to Racism spokesperson said: “We like to think it’s the sort of game that Nigel himself would smile at. He is surely aware that although four million people voted for him, many more object to his views on LGBT rights, women’s rights and migrants”.

“Nobody was harmed and many people had a good laugh and welcomed our presence. Some community police officers did stroll past but clearly thought it was harmless fun too.

“The spirit of Chesterfield Pride is a joyful day-out in defence of a serious cause. That was the spirit of the game too.”