
Hold My Hand: LGBTQ+ rights charity Stonewall launches campaign to make anti-LGBTQ+ hate crime an Aggravated Offence

Graham Robson September 22, 2024

LGBTQ+ rights charity Stonewall has launched a new campaign to make anti-LGBTQ+ hate crime an Aggravated Offence so LGBTQ+ people have the same protections as people who face hate crime due to racism or religious discrimination – in line with the Law Commission’s recommendations.

Stonewall, which has revealed that less than half (44%) of LGBTQ+ people feel safe holding their partner’s hand in public, is also asking the government to implement a Hate Crime Strategy and Action Plan that tackles barriers to LGBTQ+ reporting.

Home Office figures reveal that hate crimes on the basis of sexual orientation in England and Wales have risen 112% in the last five years and hate crimes against trans people in England and Wales have risen by 186% in the last five years.

Stonewall said: “Even something as simple as reaching out to hold their partner’s hand now feels unsafe.  Everyone deserves to go about their daily lives free from the fear of abuse and harassment, no matter their identities.

“We want the new government to prioritise the safety of the LGBTQ+ community, and for you to stand hand in hand with us.”

Support the campaign by emailing your MP. More info HERE