
Dials tree saved from the chop

Kat Pope May 2, 2013

Seven Dials tree

A much loved local tree has been saved from the chainsaw, but with a slight compromise to national pavement guidelines following a campaign by local residents.

Locals feared the tree, a large elm in the ward of the Leader of the Council, Jason Kitcat, at the corner of Vernon Terrace and the Seven Dials junction would be a casualty of the improvements being carried out in the area.

This busy and dangerous junction is being redesigned to make it a lot safer for motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists, with the work already in progress.

In partnership with traffic engineers, the council’s Transport Committee have come up with a solution whereby the road space at the entrance to Vernon Terrace will be narrowed slightly and the pavement widened to accommodate the tree.

This will mean it will be amply wide enough to let wheelchairs and buggies pass with ease, while everyone will still benefit from having the same amount of greenery around the Dials.

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