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Councillors look to increase income from beach hut licences

The city council’s Tourism, Development and Culture Committee will decide whether to approve new licences, with modernised terms and conditions, for the city’s 459 beach huts on Hove seafront.

THE new licences will reflect the changes to the beach hut transfer fee which were approved by the committee earlier this year. The fee will be 3 times the licence fee or 10% of the sale price (whichever is greater) when a beach hut is sold.

The changes are part of the council’s efforts to modernise the licences, raise income and bring them into line with neighbouring councils like Adur, Worthing, and Rother.

Any additional income made from the beach hut sales and transfers will be spent on the ongoing management of the seafront.

The new licences will also clarify other terms and conditions, such as prohibiting owners from renting out their beach huts.

Chair of the Tourism, Development and Culture Committee, Councillor Alan Robins, said: “This is an opportunity to modernise the agreement between the council and beach hut owners.

“The beach huts are on council land in a prime location and they are admired by tourists and residents alike.
“The value of a beach hut on the seafront has risen significantly in recent years, well above inflation, and these changes will bring Brighton & Hove in line with a number of neighbouring authorities.”

The committee will meet on Thursday, June 21 at 4pm.


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