Community News

The Ledward Centre is hosting a “Living Library”, this Thursday at Jubilee Library.

Chris Gull March 7, 2023

What on Earth is a Living Library?
We asked Billie Lewis, from The Ledward Centre, who is organising the event, to explain:
Billie Lewis, Centre Manager The Ledward Centre, is organising The Living Library
” The Human Library, or “Menneskebiblioteket” as it is called in Danish, was created in Copenhagen in the spring of 2000 by Ronni Abergel and his brother Dany and colleagues Asma Mouna and Christoffer Erichsen.
The original event was open eight hours a day for four days straight and featured over fifty human “books”
A book is a person that volunteered to represent a group in the community and based on their personal experiences can answer questions from readers to help challenge what is being said/told/understood about a given topic. To help shed light on the facts as you know them. Books are not political or on a mission, but rather able to surrender to the agenda of the reader and allow them control of the conversation
The broad selection of books provided readers with ample choice to challenge their stereotypes and so more than a thousand readers took advantage leaving books, librarians, organisers and readers stunned at the reception and impact of the Human Library.”
And how will that work on Thursday for this LGBTQ+ Living Library?
Attendees (readers) will be met at the Library and taken to their ‘book’.
‘Books’ will be spaced out in the lounge areas of the Library so that they can enjoy their one to one sessions in comfort.
What does a “reader” get?
They get to hear from some the most diverse groups in the community. They get to meet and learn about people that will inspire and lift them.. Perhaps make new friends and for sure  gain insight into what others think, believe and dream of. They will become rich on humanity and  may gain a greater understanding of themselves also. Part of the rewards in this work is realising that the only thing that is not reduced when shared, is knowledge
Who takes care of the readers?
Our friendly librarians and the book depot manager Billie are always there to help and make sure our ‘books’ are kept in mint condition. They are there to ensure that everyone has a good experience on the day.
What are the ‘rules for readers’?
The ‘Rules for readers’ are simple, respect the book, be curious, bring the book back on time and in the same condition it was given . Both parties have the right to end the loan at any time.
How can I book a session?
Sessions are being booked via email:, in person at The Ledward Centre or by calling 01273 077116. Sessions can be booked in advance or on the day.” The Living Library will be open from 1:30 to 3pm