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Celebrate Brighton’s LGBT+ volunteers on Thursday, June 6 at Friends Meeting House

Working To Connect (WTC), the organisation that brings together small LGBT+ and HIV groups in Brighton & Hove will celebrate their volunteers during National Volunteer Week from June 1-7 with an event at Friends Meeting House on Thursday, June 6.

Pop along to Friends Meeting House, in Ship Street at 6.30pm on Thursday, June 6, to meet some of the hard working and most dedicated volunteers in the City and learn about the important and life-changing work they do.

At 7pm there will be a short presentation of their work followed by food and refreshments provided by the HIV charity, Lunch Positive with an opportunity to talk with service users and volunteers who meet a wide range of needs and support of our ever-growing and diverse LGBT+ communities.

WTC is formed of many of the City’s smaller LGBT+ voluntary and community organisations, including: BLAGSS, TransPride, Older and Out, Brighton Bothways, Rainbow Families, Peer Action, Trans Can Sport, and many more. Other members – such as The Clare Project, Lunch Positive, Rainbow Chorus have grown but remain a key part of the Network.

Their aims are to:

♦   to support each other to thrive and grow,

♦   to raise awareness of issues,

♦   share information and training and

♦   to voice legitimate concerns that affect the LGBT+ and HIV groups in Brighton and Hove.

The event is open to the public to showcase their work and encourage more people to become involved in volunteering with LGBT+ and HIV organisations.

Everyone is welcome to attend.

Event: Celebrating LGBT+ volunteers in Brighton and Hove

Where: Friends Meeting House, Ship St, Brighton BN1 1AF

When: Thursday, June 6

Time: 6.30pm

Cost: This is a free event. Refreshments provided by Lunch Positive

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