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British men are officially lazy slobs


Four British men out of five admit that they often wear the same pair of underwear two days in a row, a survey on Britain men’s bad habits has revealed.

The results showed a litany of shocking behaviour from both single men and men living with a partner, including a lack of both personal and domestic cleanliness.

Among the survey results published by, the sock subscription company, are British men who say they rarely do any domestic cleaning, and a worrying percentage who say they have never cleaned a bathroom in their lives.

Mark Hall, gentleman creation officer at said:

“We’re all well aware that men have been letting standards slip over recent years, but these figures just go to show how far we as a nation have let ourselves go where men simply can’t be bothered.

“It’s a terrible slippery slope.

“Once men stop caring for themselves and their immediate surroundings, they also stop caring for those around them.”

The Men’s Personal Habits Survey showed:

• 80% – Admitted wearing the same pair of underpants for at least two days in a row

• 76% – Admitted wearing the same pair of socks for at least four days in a row

• 74% – Never polish their shoes, or routinely wear shoes that do not need polishing

• 71% – Have eaten dinner straight out of the tin on more than one occasion

• 67% – Can’t remember the last time they changed the sheets on their bed

• 62% – Apart from the interview, have never worn a suit to work

• 57% – Will fish a dirty plate out of the washing-up if there’s nothing clean

• 44% – Would eat the remains of the previous night’s takeaway for breakfast

• 34% – Have never done any housework

• 21% – Have never cleaned the bathroom or toilet

• 17% – Have never emptied the kitchen bin

Mark continued:

“We’re all guilty of at least one of these, but once this sort of behaviour becomes habit right across the country, the male race is in real trouble.” 

“We see it as our job at Socked to help put an end to this decline, one pair of fresh clean socks at a time, if need be.”

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