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Brighton & Hove City Council announces refurbished MacLaren Pavilion to have gender-neutral toilets and kiosk café

Brighton & Hove City Council has announced that work will begin in June to re furbish the MacLaren Pavilion at The Level.

According to BHCC, the “old building is set to be converted into a new kiosk café, three separate gender-neutral toilets, and a disabled access toilet”.

The work is expected to take around three months and Brighton & Hove City Council is aiming for the café and toilets to be open before the end of the summer.

While fencing will shortly be going up around the building, people will still be able to access the playground and fountain area while the work is being done.

The council is currently in the early stages of finding a new tenant for the café who’ll also be responsible for maintaining the new toilets in return for significantly reduced rent

Councillor Tim Rowkins, Cabinet Member for Net Zero and Environmental Services, said: “This is very exciting news. The Level is a very popular space and families with children, the elderly and people with disabilities need to know there are good public toilets nearby.

“By giving the MacLaren Pavillion a new lease of life, we can provide excellent facilities as well as a new kiosk café for people to enjoy.

Improving Brighton & Hove’s public toilets is one of our top priorities and we have continued to invest in facilities, including reopening the Royal Pavilion Gardens toilets. We’ve done some great work so far, but we won’t stop until we have public toilet facilities the city can be proud of and accessible to all our residents and visitors.”

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