New figures show that fewer people are ending up in hospital because of alcohol, more drug users are being treated and crimes against young people have fallen for the third year in a row.
These improvements were revealed at the Community Safety Forum on October 7.
Hospital admissions because of alcohol are down 9% in 2012/13 compared to the previous year and this downward trend has continued into the first three months of this year.
Following on from the Big Alcohol Debate, the Brighton and Hove Alcohol Programme Board, with input from health, the council, student reps, licensees and retailers alike, has been overseeing a range of initiatives to reduce the negative impact of alcohol on the city.
The Brighton & Hove Alcohol Programme Board oversees joint commissioning and partnership activities to minimize harm for the improvement of health and wellbeing in Brighton & Hove.
Four specific areas are covered and these are:
- the drinking culture
- the availability of alcohol
- the night time economy
- Early identification, treatment and aftercare.
Other work on alcohol involves early treatment and being able to recognise key issues, as well as working to ensure links are placed between Alcoholics Anonymous and other services we provide to create the best possible support.
Cllr Jason Kitcat, Chair of the Forum, said:
“The city is making progress on important issues such as reducing the numbers of people going to hospital due to alcohol, more drug users leaving treatment successfully and fewer young people entering the justice system. These are issues that have a huge impact on people’s lives and help improve city life in general.
“But we’re not complacent and we still have a lot of work to do and are determined to make the city a better place for everyone.”
The city’s drug treatment services continue to show good results and turn lives around. In 2012/13, 230 out of the 419 people (55%) who left drug treatment did so in a planned way, an improvement on the 50% who did so in 2011/12.