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LGBT Workplace Inclusion Leaves Much To Be Desired

Workplace Pride

The 2014 Workplace Pride Foundation’s Global Benchmark Survey finds that many employers still have a long way to go before the inclusion of LGBT people in the workplace is a reality.

The Workplace Pride Foundation is an Amsterdam-based not-for-profit organization, which has worked for 9 years to increase the acceptance of LGBT people in the workplace; both in The Netherlands, and internationally.

Founded in 2006, it is an international platform for the inclusion of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people at work. Its 43 members employ more than 2 million people worldwide, and share the vision that LGBT people should be fully visible, accepted and valued in the workplace as well as within wider society.

In 2014 the Foundation launched the Global Benchmark survey, measuring the progress of an organization’s LGBT policies and practices on both a national, and an international level. 19 multinational companies, representing almost 2 million employees worldwide took part in the 2014 survey.

The survey found that only 35% of the organisations around the world that participated in their Global Benchmark Survey provided adequate support and benefits for their LGBT employees. Less than 50% of those are reported to have included any type of training for the awareness of LGBT people in the workplace – and this data comes from the forward-thinking employers who chose to take part in the survey.

Employers from around the world are invited to take part in the 2015 Global Benchmark Survey. The survey is conducted via a free online survey of 41 questions, which measure the LGBT policies and practices of an organisation and their global operations.

Participants are scored on topics such as workplace awareness, inclusion and engagement, policy and communications. Participants will receive an individual report, with a qualitative and quantitative breakdown of their score. With this management tool in hand, participants will be better equipped to effect change within their organisation, if and where it is needed.

Submissions for the 2015 Global Benchmark will be accepted until July 31 at midnight.

Results will be announced at the end of October 2015 during the Workplace Pride Leadership Awards Dinner.

To view the 2015 Global Benchmark Survey, click here: 


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