Comedian Joe Lycett’s mischievous live entertainment show, Late Night Lycett, which broadcast from Birmingham, has been recommissioned for a second series. In series one, Joe combined some of the biggest names in show-business – including Dame Joan Collins, Dame Joanna Lumley, Richard E. Grant, Munroe Bergdorf, Alison Hammond and many more – with fun inclusivity which celebrated the city and its diversity, shining a light on local stars including Yshee Black and Don One. Channel 4 will once again return to Digbeth, on the canal banks of Birmingham after the success of the first series.
Joe Lycett said: “The first series of Late Night Lycett was the most fun I’ve ever had making TV. From Paul Chuckle destroying my local corner shop to Katherine Ryan being trapped on a floating barge, the whole thing feels like a crazed fever dream. I can’t wait to go bigger and wilder in series two.”
Late Night Lycett saw +35% up on Individual Share and +126% for 16-34s against the Monday to Sunday 10pm slot average. Thanks to its immense success, the live entertainment show is due to air in 2024 with a further six, 60-minute episodes produced by Rumpus Media and My Options Were Limited. This new series commission also follows on from the announcement that Late Night Lycett Christmas Special (working title) is due to air later this year.
Phil Harris, Head of Entertainment Commissioning at Channel 4, said: “The first series of Late Night Lycett was a blast of classic Channel 4 anarchy while also breaking new ground in live comedy entertainment. We are so proud of this show, and we can’t wait to create more Friday night chaos with Joe, the brilliant team at Rumpus and, of course, Linda Biscuits.”