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Brighton Rainbow Chorus new members drive

Following their Winter concert, ‘Fairytale of Kemptown’ on Saturday, November 30 at St Georges Church in Kemptown, the Rainbow Chorus, the only LGBT choir in the south outside London, will be visiting Brighton’s LGBT venues before Christmas to lift your spirits and light up your day.

Hear them sing a modern mix of festive favourites and new numbers on December 2 at Brighton Pier and December 9 at the Queen’s Arms and Legends, Brighton.

They are an inclusive choir and welcome any voice of any ability. Currently bass and baritone voices are especially wanted.

Curious? Then why not try out their new members night on Monday January 13, 2014 at St Georges Church Kemptown from 7.30pm. This is a relaxed and informal evening where you can meet choir members, have a go and join in singing. You don’t even have to audition

The choir meets every Monday night at St George’s Church, Kemp Town, Brighton, BN2 1 ED. For more information or to arrange to attend on January 13 contact David or Duncan, membership team, at

The Rainbow Chorus – Strength in Harmony

Listings details:

Event: Member drive, a tour of Brighton’s popular venues seeking new voices to join the Rainbow Chorus, Monday nights will never be the same again!

Sunday December 1, 2013 at the Pavilion Ice Rink, Old Steine, Brighton at 12.30pm.

Monday December 2, 2013 at Brighton Pier, Madiera Drive, Brighton at 7.30pm

Monday 9 December 2013 at Queen’s Arms, 7 George Street, Brighton at 7.30pm and Legends Bar 31-33 Marine Parade Brighton at 8.30pm

Event: Rainbow Chorus ‘Join us’ new member night

Date: 7:00 pm Monday, January 13, 2013

Venue: St George’s Church, St Georges Road, Kemp Town, Brighton, BN2 1ED.

Tickets: This evening is free to new joiners. A month membership fee applies if you choose to join the chorus.

About: A chance to experience a typical rehearsal evening with the chorus and find out if you would like to join. No auditions necessary.

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