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PREVIEW: World AIDS Day Charity Concert

World AIDS Day Charity ConcertWith just one day to go  Brighton’s LGBT choirs are learning those final words, practicing their harmonies and brushing off their costumes for this year’s World Aids Day concert which will raise funds for local charity Lunch Positive.

The concert will take place in the magnificent surroundings of St Mary’s Church in Kemp Town Brighton on December 1 at 7.30 pm (allowing time for those attending the candlelight Vigil close by from 6pm-7pm at the AIDS Memorial statue on New Steine to pop along).

Hosted by local comedienne Julie Jepson the charity concert will feature performances by Actually Gay Men’s Chorus, Brighton Belles Women’s Chorus, Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus, Rainbow Chorus, female vocal group Rebelles, Resound Male Voices and Qukulele. Mince pies and mulled wine will be served during the interval.

Various leaders from the participating choirs and groups also commented on what the concert means to their organisations:

Bill Kelly, Chair of Actually Gay Men’s Chorus, said: “Actually are delighted to be involved in this year’s World Aids Day Concert which not only raises much-needed funds but demonstrates how communities in our wonderful city support each other. We are proud to be standing together as one with our fellow performers.”

Deborah Wolf, Chair of the Brighton Belles Women’s Chorus, said: “The Brighton Belles love being part of a community that comes together with love, joy and music to help those who need a hand. When you are a certain age (as most of our choir are) you have almost certainly lost some-one you care about to HIV/AIDS and know many close friends living with it in their lives. World AIDS Day is a celebration, a remembrance and a reminder of the present also. We are honoured to join our friends as one voice.”

Paul Charlton, Chair of Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus, said: “World AIDS Day represents many things to many people, in particular the many challenges that HIV/AIDS has presented to so many of us over the years. Working as part of a choir, you become very aware of not only what can be achieved when we all work together, but also how important it is that we find ways of doing so. Perhaps then we can somehow empower ourselves to each face life’s inevitable challenges with some sense of optimism and hope.”

Finola Brophy, Chair of the Rainbow Chorus, said: “As the only local LGBT choir the Rainbow Chorus is delighted to be performing for World AIDS Day alongside other Brighton choirs. This is such an important event in our year raising awareness and celebrating the lives of those living with and affected by HIV as well as remembering those who have died. We’re delighted that all proceeds will go to Lunch Positive who do such great work.”

Scott Roedersheimer, Chair of Resound and Rebelles, added: ”Resound Male Voices and Rebelle is delighted to once again be participating in the annual World Aids Day Concert to raise much-needed funds and awareness. We stand in solidarity with our fellow singers in the knowledge that we make the greatest possible impact when our many individual voices join together.”

Seffy Sefton-Smith from LGBT ukulele/harmony band “Qukulele”, said: “Qukulele are delighted to perform at “We All Live Together” again this year and help support such a deserving charity. It’s great fun to get together with the other choirs, and the group number at the end always leaves us feeling very warm and fuzzy!”

Event: World Aids Day Charity Concert featuring: Actually Gay Men’s Chorus, Brighton Belles, Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus,   Rainbow Chorus, Rebelles, Resound Male Voices and Qukulele

Where: Tuesday, December 1

When: St Mary’s Church, St Georges Road, Kemptown, Brighton

Time: Doors Open 7pm for 7.30pm start.

Tickets: £8

To book online click here:

Or available in person from Prowler on St James Street (cash only). and a small number will be retained to buy on the door.

Mulled Wine and Mince Pies available!

All proceeds to Lunch Positive

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