
Drag Diva Lockdown Returns For Lockdown 2.0

Samantha Harman Samantha Harman November 14, 2020


Facebook group Drag Diva Lockdownwas initially established on April 9th; as a response to the March 2020 lockdown.

Paul Doble and two friends; decided they wanted to bring light and laughter into the homes of the incarcerated, while simultaneously protecting our precious drag scene.

By July 2020, Drag Diva Lockdown had hosted 450 shows, featuring 170 drag performers from across the UK.

Paul decided to relaunch the platform subsequent to the current lockdown restrictions and is delighted with the online response.

Speaking to Gscene, he said,“Drag Diva Lockdown is an inclusive and positive platform that provides a creative outlet for our beloved drag queens and offers some financial support. 

“We have a zero-tolerance policy for abuse and trolling and anyone who doesn’t comply are removed.

“I realise that drag is a male queen dominated area, but we open our doors to female drag queens as well as drag kings.”

The Facebook group has amassed 6.2k members who tune in Thursday to Sunday to watch a dazzling array of drag acts, including Brighton’s very own Candi Rel-Dq

With many drag artists being self-employed, and all hospitality outlets closed for the foreseeable future, earning an income is impossible right now for many queens (and kings).

When watching the live shows, a Paypal link allows fans to donate however much they wish to each performer.

In addition to this, every Thursday night an agreed charity is also recipient to viewer donations during the poular show ‘Chatting Sh*t’, hosted by Paul and Linda Matthews.