Directed by Ellen Kent, this traditionally staged, romantic new production was set in Seville and reflected a Goya painting, with fountains, flowers, orange trees and even a wonderfully calm rescue donkey from Coral Weaver’s sanctuary. It was an evening of passion, romance and tragedy.
Starring mezzo soprano Nadia Stoianova, whose portrayal of Carmen was technically accomplished although not quite as seductive and fiery as I felt Carmen ought to have been, this is the story of a bewitching gypsy girl whose tantalising beauty lures a soldier to desertion and ultimately leads to her own murder. Kent’s personal touch ensured that the evening was full of spectacle and the full theatre royal audience were delighted by this production.
The supporting chorus directed by Victor Donos were good and sang with precision and conviction and Nicolai Busuioc as Don Jose allowed his lyrical voice to fill the theatre with emotion. Maria Tonina in duel roles allowed her pure voice to reach the high notes and enchant the audience.
Nicolae Dohotaru conducted the Chisinau Philharmonic orchestra with passion and allowed this most passionate of Bizet operas to shine musically, teasing out all the nuances of the famous arias and melodies and giving the singers a firm musical base.
The adorable Ellen Kent has been producing Opera for more than 16 years and is accomplished at bringing the most well loved operas to an audience in a traditional and accessible way. See her website for more information on this and up and coming productions.
This was a fun night out at the Theatre Royal and the steely but charming Ms Kent who directs and keeps her beady and very experienced eyes on all the details of these productions continues to provide audiences with what they want, know and love.
For more info on the tour and to book tickets for up and coming Ellen Kent opera productions see the website here:
More info on upcoming shows at the Theatre Royal website here:
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